Monday, 12 October 2015

Indigo Heaven

Over the past few days I have had plenty of time to stitch and I have been working on a boro style table runner.
I gathered a selection of indigo and woad dyed pieces of fabric, including new and vintage, dyed by me and by others and the lovely kantha designs on woad dyed fabric from Angela Daymond.
I also bought this lovely book to enjoy when my fingers got sore from stitching.  Some of those fabrics are pretty tough.
The backing of the runner is a lightweight yukata fabric bought in Japan and the "wadding" is simple cotton.
This is half of the runner.  I am stitching as the mood takes me or the fabric directs me, using an Italian 100% cotton perlé thread that I found in a charity shop.  Often I find I have stitched in a similar way to the shibori stitching that would have been used to create the dye resist patterns.
And on the blue and white theme, I found this beautiful feather from a Jay in the garden.
I'm feeling blue, in a good way.