Japanese sewing and pattern terms
縫い代: seam allowance
実物大の型紙付き: full-sized pattern pieces enclosed (this is sometimes written on the cover of a book or magazine)
表: right side (also written in hiragana as おもて)
裏: wrong side (also written in hiragana as うら)
布地の裁ち方: fabric cutting diagram
脇: underarm
肩: shoulder
ウエスト: waist
材料: materials (materials list)
仕上がり線: finished (sewing) line; for example, this is the main line on a pattern, to which one would add a seam allowance
ゴムテープ: elastic (also called 平ゴム)
ファスナー: zipper
布: fabric
バイアス布: bias fabric
幅: width (usually used for fabric width, e.g. 110cm幅250cm means that you need two-and-a-half meters of 110 cm width fabric)
縫う: sew
袋縫い: French seam
切り込む: clip (like for the seam allowance of a curve)
丈: length (like for a skirt)
中心: center
後ろ: back
前: front
接着芯: interfacing (中厚: medium weight, 厚手: heavy weight, 薄手: leightweight)
結ぶ: to tie (in a knot, or a bow)
革ひも: leather tie
ぐし縫い: running stitch, quilting stitch
しつけ: baste (しつけ糸 is basting thread, thick and easy to run through fabric, usually sold in hanks in Japan)
見返し: facing
押さえミシン: topstitch
まつり縫い: hem stitch
手縫い: handstitch
型紙: pattern
ボタン: button
麻: linen
木綿: cotton
ロックミシン: serger, or part to be serged/zig-zag stitched
袖: sleeve
糸: thread
レース: lace
テープメーカー: bias tape maker (usually written with the respective size, 12 mm, 25 mm, etc.
前後: front and back (i.e. 前後スカート, which, when written on the pattern piece, means you cut two pieces)
ギャザー: gather (usually written between two points to show where to gather fabric)
返し口: the space to leave open for turning to the right side (usually slipstitched after turning)
25番刺しゅう糸: fancy way of saying 6-strand embroidery floss (DMC no. 25)
胸囲: chest measurement
わ: fold (usually written to show where to fold and sew, or where to place the pattern piece on the fabric fold for cutting)
布目線: grainline (usually accompanied by a line/arrows on the paper pattern)
ダーツ: dart(s)
フリル: frill
***Please note that this list is far from comprehensive, but will give you a start. This French blog about sewing with Japanese patterns does a much better job. In the right side column, you will find a link to a .pdf of Japanese-English translations of sewing terms, complete with diagrams.
実物大の型紙付き: full-sized pattern pieces enclosed (this is sometimes written on the cover of a book or magazine)
表: right side (also written in hiragana as おもて)
裏: wrong side (also written in hiragana as うら)
布地の裁ち方: fabric cutting diagram
脇: underarm
肩: shoulder
ウエスト: waist
材料: materials (materials list)
仕上がり線: finished (sewing) line; for example, this is the main line on a pattern, to which one would add a seam allowance
ゴムテープ: elastic (also called 平ゴム)
ファスナー: zipper
布: fabric
バイアス布: bias fabric
幅: width (usually used for fabric width, e.g. 110cm幅250cm means that you need two-and-a-half meters of 110 cm width fabric)
縫う: sew
袋縫い: French seam
切り込む: clip (like for the seam allowance of a curve)
丈: length (like for a skirt)
中心: center
後ろ: back
前: front
接着芯: interfacing (中厚: medium weight, 厚手: heavy weight, 薄手: leightweight)
結ぶ: to tie (in a knot, or a bow)
革ひも: leather tie
ぐし縫い: running stitch, quilting stitch
しつけ: baste (しつけ糸 is basting thread, thick and easy to run through fabric, usually sold in hanks in Japan)
見返し: facing
押さえミシン: topstitch
まつり縫い: hem stitch
手縫い: handstitch
型紙: pattern
ボタン: button
麻: linen
木綿: cotton
ロックミシン: serger, or part to be serged/zig-zag stitched
袖: sleeve
糸: thread
レース: lace
テープメーカー: bias tape maker (usually written with the respective size, 12 mm, 25 mm, etc.
前後: front and back (i.e. 前後スカート, which, when written on the pattern piece, means you cut two pieces)
ギャザー: gather (usually written between two points to show where to gather fabric)
返し口: the space to leave open for turning to the right side (usually slipstitched after turning)
25番刺しゅう糸: fancy way of saying 6-strand embroidery floss (DMC no. 25)
胸囲: chest measurement
わ: fold (usually written to show where to fold and sew, or where to place the pattern piece on the fabric fold for cutting)
布目線: grainline (usually accompanied by a line/arrows on the paper pattern)
ダーツ: dart(s)
フリル: frill
***Please note that this list is far from comprehensive, but will give you a start. This French blog about sewing with Japanese patterns does a much better job. In the right side column, you will find a link to a .pdf of Japanese-English translations of sewing terms, complete with diagrams.
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