Thursday, 6 May 2010

Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding

Ha,ha, we got from Tokyo to Heathrow arriving only a few minutes late due to some very nasty turbulence and then we travelled across London on the tube and arrived over thirty minutes late on a two hour journey!!  Daddy had prepared roast beef, Yorkshire pudding and delicious sprouting broccoli, carrots and asparagus for us and after a shower and a nice cup of tea we were awake enough to really enjoy it.  We had a good sleep but feel very battered this morning - it was evening at this time (if you know what I mean) for the past three months! 
Election Day here and the newspapers and television are full of it...  It seems strange that we are back here and yet life is going on in Japan, Australia and New Zealand as normal and without us.  It was lovely to wake to the dawn chorus this morning though and to enjoy a long twilight yesterday and a slow dawn this morning.  I'm going for a walk around M&D's garden now, to enjoy all the spring flowers which all seem to be out at the same time and looking lovely - the bluebells, clematis, forget-me-nots, cherry blossom and lilac to name but a few.


  1. Welcome home!! Being away so long must give you new and fresh perspective on your own area.
    Teresa x

  2. WELCOME HOME - It's good to have you back. If you make a special effort you can still get home to vote - the polling stations are open until 10pm!!!!*****????

    Lots of love C & D

  3. Glad you are home safe and sound. yes life still continues here in NZ but of course there is "no place like home" no matter where it is in the world.

    Hope we can continue to keep in touch
    The Picton Rag Picker!

  4. You two had such a wonderful trip down under and further afield and I am so pleased that we met up. You will be able to keep your near and dear ones entertained with tall tales and many photo viewings!!


  5. Pleased to hear you're home safe and sound. Enjoy all the spring blossoms for us, here in NZ we are waking to frosts, but having beautiful autumn days!

  6. Hi Lis, glad you got home to your dad safe and sound. Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding sound yum. I love it too, but don't know how to make it. I know, life goes on in those places without me too hahaha! I've been following the UK's election. It might be over at we speak? Enjoy your home and will catch up soon.


I really appreciate your lovely comments, ideas and opinions, they make my day. Thank you for visiting Piece'n'Peace,
hugs, Lis x